
Saturday, September 10, 2016

Incorporating Authentic Materials and Technology in ESL Class

Task objectives.  For this task, you will: 
·         Design and articulate a lesson plan that incorporates a new authentic material OR technology you wish to introduce in your class.
·         Write a goal and objectives for the lesson.
·         Explain why you wish to incorporate this element in your class.
·         Explain each step you will take or have students take in class.
·         Explain how the final student action(s) will help achieve the lesson objectives.
·         Reflect on and explain how this task contributed to your professional learning and growth


Name of course:
Role of Authentic materials and technology integration in ESL class room
Purpose of course:
To make them aware of authentic materials and how they can be used to understand the real use of language outside the class room in the form of graphs and reports.
This lesson also include study skills and reference skills to make the learner autonomous user of a language.
Number of students:
Student ages:
14 to 16

Language level:


In the table below, write your lesson goal (the overall purpose of this lesson).  This
should be short and general.

Then write your lesson objectives. Your objectives MUST be observable and measurable, begin with a verb, and contribute to achieving the goal.

Lesson Goal(write only one)
Lesson Objectives (must be observable and measurable)
Goal: After attending this class students will interpret the given graphs and use of authentic materials to create a report for presentation

1)Students will interpret the given graph and make some notes

2)Students will write a report based on the notes they prepared collaboratively

3) Students will evaluate their peers based on given template/check list

One requirement of this assignment is that you incorporate a new idea you learned from this class (the discussions, articles, resources/links).  State the new idea you are incorporating in this lesson plan and explain why you wish to introduce it.

1) What kind of activity are you introducing?
1) Check ONE type only.(It include both authentic materials and technology tools so I checked both the options)
ü  Authentic Materials activity
Please include a link or attachment of the authentic material.

  Technology activities.   
Google forms to create online check list
Email services
2) What is the new idea?
2) Use of graphs (Authentic materials) to write a report

3) Why do you wish to use this new idea/ activity?
3) Reading graphs and writing report help the students to learn the use of language in real context or links class room learning with the real world experience.
4) Where did you get the new idea?  (Give the resource link and/or name of the article.  If the idea was shared by a participant in the course or the instructor, include the person’s name.)
I practiced this idea during some of my teacher training sessions to teach them use of Authentic materials and in my class room teaching to make my students to write a report on results of general elections in our country.

The lesson procedure must be written step-by-step and detailed enough so that another teacher can do the lesson easily.
Note: The lesson procedure is divided into three sections: 
·         Introduction/Warm-up:  include any activities that are a review of a previous lesson or preparation for the main lesson.
·         Body:  should include all the activities for the main lesson.
·         Conclusion/Wrap up:  includes any repeat, review or wrap up of the main lesson or activity that brings closure to the lesson in preparation for the end of class or movement to the next part of the lesson.

Use the table below for your lesson procedure. Add any additional rows as needed or delete if not needed.
Teacher action
Student action
Materials/equipment needed
Time needed
Introduction/Warm up
1) Teacher distribute a paper written some years like 2000, 2001 etc ask them to think of its important in their life. (What happened in their life during that time? Achievements and success stories etc. )
Student will think of its importance and explain it to the class.
Ex: I got a promotion in the year 2002 it is a lucky year for me.
Piece of paper written with
5 minutes
1) Please go to the teachers table/use internet link and find a graph you would like to write about.
Look at the newspapers/internet link and decide on
a graph to write about
10 Minutes
2) After students return to their seats:
You can write a description of the graph, Use your imagination to read
the data given in the graph and refer the link given
Begin to write/brainstorm, with graph before they refer the  given link

3) Let’s get started! You can write as much as you like in any order. Just get
some ideas down. Let’s brainstorm
Then circulates to each student pair to
ask if they need help, check what they
are writing, and encourage them to just
write phrases or ideas to begin with;
helps with vocabulary words needed
Begin to write/brainstorm, with graph after referring the link.

15 mints
4) OK, let’s stop for a moment and share
what we have written
Circulates as students share in pairs;
discusses their ideas and encourages them to speak in English to their
Stop work and talk to neighbors.
Use the checklist to introspect your writing.

10 minutes
5) Calls on several students to talk about their ideas.
Encourages them to use English as
much as possible to express
Report back individually when called upon by the teacher.
The partner may mention what was discussed in pair work

10 minutes
Conclusion/Wrap Up
Makes notes on topics and comments from students and their partners for
evaluation and to decide who will need further help
Refer the links and discuss.
Prepare final draft for presentation

Asks partner if they have anything more to add about their partner’s idea

15 minutes
Monitors and concludes
Present it to the class

5 minutes
Home work:
Ask the students to revise their final draft and send to him with in specified time for grading
They revise the written draft at home and send to their teacher through email for grading.


A.   How will students be accountable for what they do in this lesson?

Please check any and all that apply.    If none of them are applicable, check “other” and please describe what the students will do.

______ Write a summary and turn it in.

ü  Report back to the whole class.

______ Complete a handout (e.g. CLOZE activity, fill-in-the-blank, etc.).

ü  Complete a check list for self assessment

ü  Collaboratively write a report or summary and submit.

ü  Collaboratively write a report

_____ Write answers/responses to questions.

______ Draw a picture.

______ Take a quiz.

______ Post to a class blog or social networking site.

______ Create a podcast.

ü  Send teacher or students an email or text.

ü  Take an online check list.

______Other?  Please describe:

B.   Describe more specifically how and for what part(s) of the lesson the students will do the above the task(s).

Students work together to read the given graph and interpret the data, which in turn help them to write the outline of the information they get from the graph, based on that information they write their first draft and go for check list so that they can revise their first draft and prepare final draft, present it to the class.

C.   Describe how the actions in Parts A and B above will help achieve the lesson objectives.

Part A helps to work (Actions) together to achieve the said objectives and goal.

Part B helps or provides evidences of their collaborative work otherwise, it helps to understand what we imagine (Goals and Objective) and what we do (action plan i.e. Part A)

PART VI: SELF-ASSESSMENT (to be completed after you receive peer feedback and revise your task) Please answer each question in 100 words or less.

1.    What aspect of this task was the most challenging to you? What did you learn from that challenge?

Selection of authentic materials i.e. graphs and linking the lesson with technology tools like Google forms and web links and creation of check lists.
I learned how to use graphs in my class room to make my students more interesting.
Technology integration also helpful to make my class more effective so that students learn the new things on their own by referring the web links.
2.    What was the most useful feedback you received? How did it help improve your task?

The most useful feedback I got from my peers is as follows:
Ø  I made some changes to warm up activity based on peer feedback.
Ø  Some links provided in the lesson are not working now they are working properly.
Ø   Changed the title of my course.
Ø   Added a resource link.
Ø  Checked the resource links whether they are working or not

3.    What is the strongest aspect of your work here? Why?

Use of graphs in class room: why? Graphs are authentic materials, they provide real use of language outside the class room, and they are of more interesting in the form of lines and boxes charts etc Supports the students to develop the study skills and reference skills also.

Use Google forms to create check lists: Google forms provide an opportunity for the students to send their responses individually, it is helpful for the teacher to assess the students understanding and also evidences of their work.
4.    What would you change if you had more time? Why?

If I have more time I would prefer to
Ø  Add a graphic organizer to check their understanding.
Ø  Add some more items in the given check list.
Ø  Add evaluation form (Google form) and online quiz to grade their understanding.

Ø  They can preserve their final draft in their portfolio.

Ø  Keep  print out of all the resources, check list etc

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