
Saturday, December 5, 2015

Moodle MOOC-7 Reflections and E-Portfolio

MOODLE MOOC-7  Reflections and E-Portfolio


Opening Ceremony:

Learnt the following things:

  • How to navigate through the Moodle site.
  • How to login to the Moodle site.
  • What are the different role that we are going play during the course.
  • Understanding the Block on left and right.
  • Information about Badges that we are going to get during the course.
  • Got the information about weekly tasks
  • Giveaways information.
  • Use of check boxes.
  • Discussion forums.
  • How to use the support form to get information.
  • Updating our profile.
  • Use of Podle tool to introduce ourselves.

In 1st week we learnt what is Moodle by discussing in a forum, really it's a fun to chat with the people all around the world and understanding each other by sharing knowledge.


In 2nd week we learnt how to add resources using Moodle and Teaching Practice Area(TPA)
 and presented using screencasting tools like Jing, Movenote etc. I used Jing to prepare my presentation. Here is the link to my presentation using Jing .

Tools I used here is Jing and Screencast-o-matic .

Webinar:Moodle Activities and Plugins by Dr. Nellie Deutsch.


Adding Activities in Moodle:

Story Board Webinar:

Adding Blocks and Plugins in Moodle:


Online Assessment webinar by Mignon Smith

1.    Did you connect with the other attendees and/or the speaker? If so, how?

No I watched its recorded version

2.    What questions came up during the event? List them.

Online Assessment Webinar:

1. Are your practicing Continuous assessment?

3.    How has done a course on online assessment?
4.    Anybody say what’s happening here?
5.    Did you beg? Nille’s questions

6.    How did the content relate to you as a teacher and/or learner or individual?

 The content of the webinar is so useful for me to create online test using Moodle, Particularly Multiple choice questions.

7.    What were some of the thoughts that went through your mind during the event?

I like the statement “I didn’t want to test them actually I want to help them during online assessment webinar.

I like the student’s response that I don’t need to write on paper.

8.    How did you feel during the event? If you felt good, what made you feel good? If you felt discomfort, what made you feel discomfort?

I feel good throughout the session because it helped me a lot, I have made a course with the help of Moodle but not able to teach, this session is going to act as a inspiration for do the same as a project in my school.

9.    What challenges might you encounter in implementing some of the ideas?

·         Use of Technology
·         Lack of resources
·         Internet
·         Motivating the school management etc

10. What steps can you take to resolve challenges?

·         Convince the management
·         Try to find out the sponsors to sort out the technology problems.

11. What would you like to do in the future as a result of what you heard, read, saw in the event?

Try the similar project in future.

12. Write a question or 2 that you would like to research (look into) as a result of the event.

How the moodle would helps to make the learning more effective?
Is there any influence of technology in language learning?

Closing Ceremony:

This webinar focused on use of MOODLE, the following issues are described here;

What do Moodle allow the users:

  1. It allows to user to use as a course creating tool.
  2. It allows the user to use as Learning Management system.
  3. It allows the personalised learning.
  4. It allows to use Audio and Video files.
  5. It allows to use documents to upload
  6. It allows the user to use no of plugins as add ons...
  7. It allows the learners/ teachers to use no of tools to conduct webinars.
  8. It allows the learners to use help each other.
  9. It allows the learners to ask questions.
  10. It allows the learners to avoid the classrooms.
  11. It allows the teachers/learners could be anywhere.....
  12. You don't have use pencil and pen.
  13. It allows the students to work in groups
  14. It allows the learner to work alone......
  15. It allows the learner to get information using internet.
  16. It allows the learners to collaborate projects
  17. It allows the learners to work from anywhere and all the time

I am not able to watch all the webinars, but I am sure that I will watch them soon, I learnt a lot about Moodle and its use in class room, I like engaging features of Moodle particularly activities like online quizzes, external tools and plugins....... what not!!!  everything. 
Course completion certificate for Moodle Mooc-07

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