
Friday, July 10, 2015

British Council Certificate for attending Live Seminar on 'Creativity in teaching and learning: what, why, how?’

Do teachers need to be creative? What stops us from being creative? How can we and our students become more creative?
Watch this highly practical, interactive seminar to discover small changes that can make a big difference to creativity in the classroom. There are two speaker sessions which provide successful activities and real-life examples to inspire creative teaching and learning. This is followed by a panel Q and A session with Alan Maley, Marisa Constantinides, Phuong Lee, Nik Peachey and Malu Sciamarelli.

Watch the Recorded Video here:

 Attended the live-stream of  recent seminar from British Council on ‘Creativity in teaching and learning: what, why, how?’ and  enjoyed the event and that the practical ideas shared have positively contributed to your teaching in the classroom, or to your personal learning.

 You can download British Council's new publication Creativity in the English language classroom and watch the seminar again on EnglishAgenda.

 I have received a certificate of attendance.

Teaching creativity seminar certificate from British Council

If you are looking for opportunities for continuing with your professional development, you can find over 100 videos from the Seminar Series on a wide variety of English language teaching topics at

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