
Saturday, January 24, 2015

How to Write Teacher Reflections or Teacher's Diary

Teacher Reflections/ Comments (Period Wise):

Follow these instructions while writing your diary after teaching:
How to write Teacher Reflections  or Teacher's Diary

Lesson objectives:

• Did the students understand what we did in the lesson?
• Was what we did too easy or too difficult?
• What problems did the students have (if any)?
• Was there a clear outcome for the students?
• What did they learn or practice in the lesson? Was it useful for them?

Activities and materials

• What different materials and activities did we use?
• Did the materials and activities keep the students interested?
• Could I have done any parts of the lesson differently?


• Were all the students on task (i.e. Doing what they were supposed to be doing)?
• If not, when was that and why did it happen?
• Which parts of the lesson did the students seem to enjoy most? And least?
• How much English did the students use?
Classroom management

• Did activities last the right length of time?
• Was the pace of the lesson right?
• Did I use whole class work, group work, pair work or individual work?
• What did I use it for? Did it work?
• Did the students understand what to do in the lesson?
• Were my instructions clear?
• Did I provide opportunities for all the students to participate?
• Was I aware of how all of the students were progressing?


If I taught the lesson again, what would I do differently?

Final Comments:

Temp-let of Teaching Diary:

Temp-let of Teacher Reflections

Teacher reflections temp-let,Diary writing

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