
Friday, August 23, 2013

How to give a welcome speech/welcome address

How to give a welcome speech/welcome address

Welcome speech is the most important speech in any function because it sets the mood of the function. An appealing welcome speech has its effect permeated throughout the function; beginning till end. A welcome speech in English uses certain terminologies to express the proper meaning on different occasions. For example, a wedding welcome speech and a graduation welcome speech will be totally different in the phrases and terminologies used. This hub describes how to do a formal welcome speech
Characteristics of a welcome speech:

Welcome speeches in general should be brief. It is important to state the objectives or the purpose of the meet in the beginning itself. Chief Guest (welcome speech for chief guest) of the formal function should be welcomed first followed by other important guests on the dais. People sitting on the dais should be addressed first followed by guests on the front row and then everybody down the hall. A variety of expressions should be used during the speech to make it livelier; but at the same time it should not be overdone. Most importantly, a sincere and confident approach from the speaker will create a feeling of unity and purpose among the audience.

How to start a welcome speech

Usually a welcome speech starts with greeting the chief guest, guests on and off the dais. This is followed by a brief description about the objectives of the meet. On some occasions, if the chief guest is not a known person, a brief introduction of the chief guest is also given by the person who gives the welcome speech. Of course this depends on how long the introduction of chief guest should be.

The following are some common "welcome quotes"

I extend a hearty welcome
I offer a warm welcome
I accord a genial welcome
I salute him with a winsome welcome
I welcome him with the loving hearts of all present
I welcome him with my whole heart
I welcome him with all my heart
I am delighted to offer a happy welcome
Let me offer you a pleasant welcome
Please permit me to offer you a fraternal welcome
I request the members of the audience to join me in offering a warm – hearted welcome
We feel honored in offering you a cheerful welcome

How to conclude a welcome speech

A welcome speech should not be concluded by thanking. That is the job of the person who gives the vote of thanks. Welcome speech should be the one leaving the participants at ease and eagerly waiting for the upcoming events. Maximum duration of welcome speech can be three to four minutes. If it is extended beyond that the guests may feel bored and it will kill the anticipation for the events to follow.
Vote of thanks speeches
Giving away a welcome speech and "vote of thanks" are some of the responsibilities bestowed on us if we work in an organisation.
Alas! I am faced with the puzzle of how to give vote of thanks.
Did you have to face this situation? Well, you need not panic.
First and foremost, we need to understand that there is no vote of thanks template, be it a vote of thanks for farewell party or a vote of thanks for teachers’ day. But of course we need to keep in mind certain guidelines before preparing for a speech and presentation.
Vote of thanks for a function is given during the end of function. For a formal function, the organising secretary or an equivalent member who is involved in the function from beginning till end is the best person to give away the vote of thanks.
How to write "vote of thanks"?
Many people search for vote of thanks examples. The most important point is that "Vote of thanks" should be very brief. Remember! Everyone who was involved including the person who is giving the "vote of thanks" may be tired and bored especially if it is for the valedictory function. The aim of vote of thanks is not to bore them further; but to give a sincere attempt to thank everyone who has made the show a success.
What should be the order of speech for "vote of thanks"?
There should be an order of thanking according to the importance as in welcome speech. For a formal function, it is best to thank the chief guest first, then the dignitaries on the dais, people in the front row and then everybody down the hall.
What to avoid in the speech of "vote of thanks"?
Avoid thanking own people from the organisation. For example when you write vote of thanks for annual day or college day, one of the faculties who was involved in the organisation may be entrusted with the responsibility to give away the vote of thanks. It may not look appropriate to keep thanking the other entire departmental faculty for their active participation in the programme, because they might have done it as part of their job responsibility and it may not look appropriate to pat our own shoulder in the public
Avoid praising anybody. Expressing heartfelt thanks need not be about praising a particular person or organisation.
While choosing words for the speech, take care not to be critical or evaluative about the day's events.
A vote of thanks speech is not an attempt at summarizing the events for the day. Instead it should be a way of showing appreciation with heartfelt words of gratitude. It can also be used as an opportunity to respond to the remarks, requests or promises made by the chief guest.

Vote of thanks for inaugural function

Here you can mainly address the chief guest and guest of honour if any and express your words of gratitude. Specify exactly what you are grateful for and it should be expressed in a sincere manner using suitable words. Vote of thanks for inaugural function should not kill the anticipation of the participants. You can also connect or link to the upcoming events by a brief attempt.
How to give (deliver) a "vote of thanks"?

The person who is giving away the vote of thanks should have a pleasant disposition. You will feel more confident if you have a small card with points written on who you want to thank and which phrase or words to be used for a particular person. Rehearsing the speech also helps in gaining confidence.
Have eye contact with the audience and talk to the audience. Beginners make a common mistake of talking to themselves rather than communicating to the audience. Speak slowly and deliberately as you look around the hall.
Use body language and gestures to emphasise the sincerity of your words. Smile on your face will enhance your appearance as well as leave the guests at ease.
Common expressions used for vote of thanks speech
I thank……
I am grateful to……
Let me express my gratitude….
I take this opportunity to thank…..
We remain grateful to…….
Our words may not be capable of communicating our sense of gratitude to….
We offer our sincere thanks to….
Permit me to mention our appreciation to
I bow my head in gratitude…..
May I take this occasion to salute him with…..
We are happy to mention our obligation to….
We express our gratefulness to…
Please avoid
like “On my behaf, On behlf of all concerned………., “ I will be failing in my duty if ….”, “ Last but not least……..” etc.
Good Luck!!
Good luck with your programme!
At the end of the programme, you will feel more assured and energetic that you could give away the vote of thanks sincerely and confidently!

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