
Monday, October 15, 2012

How Vijayadashmi festival celebration is used to teach English

Lesson for All Students Student:___________________Date:______________________

Teacher: vinayadharraju prathikantam

Vijayadhashmi celebrations in India

By: Vinayadharraju

   Pronunciation: AH


   Directions: Practice Pronouncing this sound bysaying the word pairs and example sentences and words from this reading
Word Pairs but-bet, gut-get, touch-tack, us-use
Example sentence: Cut luscious butter.
Examples from this reading: Reflecting Mythology Invocation Significance Worship Trident Submit Ferocious Concluded Complicated Celebrated Decorated Feminine Entity Depicted


   Directions: Read the following passage carefully.

  1. Read the entire passage quickly and generate questions using the graphic organizer below.
  2. Read the passage again more carefully and try to answer your questions.

Thick Questions
Big questions that you need to THINK and SEARCH to find the answers to.
Why does the author think that…?
What would happen if …?
Why does…?
Thin Questions
Smaller questions that you can find the answer to RIGHT IN THE TEXT.
Questions Possible Answers Questions Possible Answers

Description of Durga Maa:(Click the above  button to listen)

Durga matha Maa Durga is the most revered goddess in Hindu mythology. She is worshipped by all Hindus all over the world and epitomizes feminine energy or ‘Shakti’. Goddess Durga has many forms, each one having a special significance.
Goddess Durga is considered self-sufficient and an independent entity. The image of Goddess Durga typically shows her riding a lion or tiger representing power and holding both weapons and carrying lotus flower. In her most popular images, Maa Durga is seen with ten arms and slaying the demon Mahisasura. Even in this ferocious form, Goddess Durga has been shown adorning a meditative smile, reflecting her compassionate nature towards her devotees.

Origin of Durga

According to Hindu mythology, Goddess Durga emerged from the combined energies of the Gods Brahma, the Creator, Vishnu, the Preserver and Shiva, the Destroyer, in order to fight the demon called Mahisasura. As legend goes, the demon Mahisasura was awarded the boon that he could neither be killed by man of God. Therefore the presence of a feminine energy was required to slay this demon that caused much destruction in all the three worlds – Earth, Heaven and nether world.
Goddess Durga was gifted different weapons by all the Gods, out of which the spear and trident have most commonly been depicted in her images. She is also seen holding the chakra, sword, bow and arrow and other weapons.

Worship of Goddess Durga

Goddess Durga is worshipped with much gaiety in the month of Aswin and is the biggest festival in the Indian States of West Bengal, Orissa, Assam other countries as well. In Bengal, the day denoting the victory of Maa Durga on Mahisasura is called VijayaDashami.
During the nine days of worship, nine different forms of Durga are invoked upon. The ritual san form of worship of Goddess Durga differs in each State of India. The last Day of worship is symbolic of Durga’s return home to mount Kailash where Lord Shiva, her husband is known to reside.
Goddess Durga symbolizes freedom from all fear. Prayers are offered by devotees to help them get rid of all their sins and vices. This Puja involves a lot of complicated rituals and Pundits experienced in this worship are usually called upon at the time of Durga Puja. In their invocation of Maa Durga, he devotees promises to submit to her power and energy in return for release from all their trouble sand worries.

Andhra Pradesh (Vijayadashmi celebrations in AP)

Vijayadashami has great importance in the Telugu household. For life events such as starting a new business/ venture, or buying a new home or vehicle, rituals take place on this auspicious day. They perform Ayudha Puja where they sanctify vehicles and other new items. In the evenings, a procession is taken up in all major cities where people dress up as characters from the Ramayana and perform stage shows called Ramlila. Huge effigies of Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Indrajit or Meghanada are burned, signifying victory of Lord Rama.

In the Telangana region, younger family members usually pay respects to their elders by giving them leaves of Shami tree/ Jammi tree, and seeking their blessings.

This festival is celebrated in all temples of Durga. Shodasa Upacharam is offered to her. During Navratri ("nine nights"), Goddess Durga is decorated in her different aspects like Bala Tripura Sundari, Mahishasura Mardhini, Annapoorna, Kali, Raja Rajeshwari, Kanaka Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati and Gayatri Devi. On the river banks of Krishna at Vijayawada, in an age-old temple of "Sri Durga Malleswar Swami" and on a hill called "Indra-Kila-Adri", Dasara & Navratri are celebrated every year with great pomp & show and tens of thousands of people visit this temple during this time. These celebrations are concluded on the tenth day of "Vijaya Dashami", which is usually a national holiday. In Vijayawada on Vijayadashami day, Teppa Utsavam is celebrated, in which Durga's image is placed on a big boat decorated with flowers and lights, is celebrated in the evening.

  Comprehension Questions

   Directions: Read the following questions and answer each one to the best of your ability.
1. Suggest a different title for this text. Why do you think that this would make a good title?

2. Identify a quote from the text that you think is very important and explain why.

3. If you were asked to edit this text down to half its length, what details would you remove?

4. What is the main idea of this text? What details from the text support the main idea?

5. Write 3-5 sentences summarizing the text.


  Focus on Grammar

The simple present is used in 3 cases.
  1. General truths: "The sun rises in the east."
  2. Habits: "I drink coffee every morning."
  3. Conditions: "Today is sunny."
How is the simple present used in the sentence(s) below?
   Directions: Identify how the simple_present is used in the sentence(s) below
  1. Goddess Durga symbolizes freedom from all fear.

  2. Goddess Durga has many forms, each one having a special significance.

  3. show and tens of thousands of people visit this temple during this time.

  4. They perform Ayudha Puja where they sanctify vehicles and other new items.


   Word Roots & Stems

Rule: The suffix ous changes a noun into an adjective, like dangerous.

   Directions: Identify the word that ends with -ous in each sentence and write it on the line.
  1. Even in this ferocious form, Goddess Durga has been shown adorning a meditative smile , reflecting her compassionate nature towards her devotees.
  2. For life events such as starting a new business / venture, or buying a new home or vehicle, rituals take place on this auspicious day.
Directions: Fill in the blanks below, just as in the models.
gaseous gas + eous Above 100 degrees C., water becomes gaseous.
furious (fury-y) + ious When you pull her tail, the cat gets furious.
mysterious ____________ ________________________________________________
spacious ____________ ________________________________________________
nervous (nerves - es) + ous I was nervous when he drove fast.
glorious ____________ ________________________________________________

  Vocabulary Practice

  Fill in the blank

         Directions: Use the word bank to identify the word that best completes the sentence.

  1. The wave came over the _______________ and everyone got wet.

  2. The arrows _______________ the direction of the trains.

  3. After looking at the prices, she _______________ that she needed $500 more.

  4. He _______________ his birthday with a cake and a party.

  5. The painting _______________ an important moment in history.

  6. Finding a job was a _______________ to his family.

  7. Having children _______________ his life.

  8. Organisms obtain _______________ through the process of cellular respiration.

  9. The house and decorations are very _______________.

  10. The _______________ dog attacked the dogcatcher.

  11. She _______________ the hat with flowers.

  12. The kittens began to _______________ from their mother.

  13. The room was _______________ with paintings.


Directions: Write the letter of word that matches the definition on the line. If it helps, feel free to also draw a line between the definition and the matching word.
  1. feminine
  2. ferocious
  3. gaiety
  4. concluded
  5. emerged
  6. denoting
  7. complicated
  8. depicted
  9. entity
  10. celebrated
  11. adorning
  12. boon
  13. decorated
  14. energy
  15. bow

  • 16. _______ The front of a boat.

  • 17. _______ Something that is individual from others.

  • 18. _______ To designate by word or mark.

  • 19. _______ To reach as a logical answer.*

  • 20. _______ To have the ceremony and festivity that mark a day or event.

  • 21. _______ To show or describe something.

  • 22. _______ A benefit; something good that happens.

  • 23. _______ To make something difficult, or hard to deal with.

  • 24. _______ The ability to do work. In living things, energy is stored as ATP, which can be used to do work in cells.

  • 25. _______ Festivity.

  • 26. _______ Having the qualities of women, womanly.

  • 27. _______ Of a wild, fierce, and savage nature.

  • 28. _______ To add to something to make it beautiful.

  • 29. _______ To come into view or into existence.

  • 30. _______ Decorate.

Write your own sentences

Directions: For each of the words in the box, write an original sentence using the word. Circle the vocabulary word in each sentence. Be sure to write a sentence that would help the reader better understand the meaning of the word.



  32                                             33.







Lesson Plan


Aim:To make the students learn English with the experiences in their day to day life Grade: 10 Subject: Prepared by: vinayadharraju prathikantam


  • Students will be able to understand, pronounce, and use the words in the vocabulary list below.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension of the passage by answering questions which require basic understanding and interpretation of the content.
  • To make familiar with Indian culture and tradition.

Standards addressed:

  • 3, Grade Secondary - Students apply strategies to comprehend text, including phonemic awareness, word deconstruction, structural knowledge, and contextual interpretation.
  • 4, Grade Secondary - Students communicate effectively using various modes of language.
  • 5, Grade Secondary - Students employ writing strategies that are appropriate to the audience and purpose.
  • 6, Grade Secondary - Students apply knowledge of language structure and conventions to make meaning out of text.
  • 8, Grade Secondary - Students use a variety of informational resources to gather information and communicate knowledge
  • 9, Grade Secondary - Students develop an understanding of and respect for diversity in language.


1. feminine 2. ferocious 3. gaiety 4. concluded 5. emerged 6. denoting 7. complicated 8. depicted 9. entity 10. celebrated 11. adorning 12. boon 13. decorated 14. energy 15. bow
Differentiation Guide
Pronunciation Practice: AH
  • Introduce key phoneme with minimal pairs.
  • Model and emphasize pronunciation.
  • Individual and choral repetition.
Give students who need extra help the opportunity to practice in smaller groups or individually. Alternate choral and individual repetition, calling on individual students at random. Struggling students may need additional instruction on how to make new sounds. Some students may benefit from being challenged to think of their own minimal pair.
ALL Students will be able to demonstrate an increase in pronunciation skills by successfully pronouncing the new sound during choral or individual repetition. SOME students will be able to recognize and identify the sound in other words they know.
Introduction of vocabulary
Introduce the new words from the vocabulary list in above (see Objectives) by modeling pronunciation, individual and choral repitition.
Review defintions
Sample Questioning:
  • In your own words, explain the definition.
  • Who can think of a time when this word might be used?
  • Can you use this word in a sentence?
  • What’s the antonym (opposite) of this word?
When appropriate, give different types of learners an opportunity to write down the new words, associate a visual image to cue to understanding of the word, or develop a physical action to increase the student’s ability to remember the new words.
ALL Students will be able to increase their understanding and awareness of the new words.SOME Students will be asked to orally demonstrate knowledge of new words.
Reading & Comprehension Questions
Students will read the passages of and demonstrate comprehension of the content by question.
Depending on the population: Read the entire passage aloud, to model phrasing and fluency. Pause at key moments and model good reading strategies through a think aloud. Ask students to volunteer to read parts of the passage aloud. Instruct students to read the passage silently and complete the questions independently, while working with students who need more literacy help. Ask students to complete the questions by doing Think, Pair, Share
ALL Students will read the passage or follow along as the passage is read. ALL Students will strive to demonstrate comprehension of the passage by answering the questions. SOME students will be given an opportunity to share their answer aloud.
Students will review the usage of and then identify simple_present in sentences from the reading. Students will write 5 original sentences using simple_present.
Give students need time to work on completing their own practice sentences for the grammatical structure. Invite early finishers to put their sentences on the board or challenge them to not only use the grammar structure, but also include the vocabulary from the lesson in their sentences.
ALL Students will be able to demonstrate an increased mastery of the grammar structure by independently writing sentences that correctly employ simple_present.
Word Building: Roots and Stems
Students will be encouraged to take away a word-attack strategy from this lesson by reviewing -y, which was used in the reading.
Students may benefit from having time to complete this portion of the worksheet individually or in pairs.
ALL students will be able to recognize the suffix -y and understand The suffix y changes a noun into an adjective, like dirty..
Practicing New Vocabulary
Students will be given a chance to practice applying new vocabulary by completing cloze sentences.
Students complete this section of worksheet independently prior to group review of the answers. When appropriate, have students work in pairs or small groups.
ALL Students will increase their familiarity with the new vocabulary and their ability to successfully use these new words in context. Students who get more than two of the cloze sentences wrong should be asked do other reinforcement (i.e. flash cards).
Instructor will review the objectives of the lesson with the class a whole.
The summary can be completed as quick discussion or by asking student to summarize in their notes.
Example quick assess: 3 new pieces of information from text, 2 new words, 1 question about what they learned.
 Write  how you are going use this information/audio clip to teach English to your students?

write your answers in comments box.


1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Ask the students to identify the different adjectives used to describe the Durga Maa in the text
