
Saturday, August 18, 2012

The King and the Tamarind Drum

The King and the Tamarind Drum
7.1 Objectives
At end of this lesson you will be able to
.. Understand and appreciate a folk tale with a moral.
.. Compare and contrast two persons with very different qualities.
.. Enlarge your vocabulary to describe characters
.. Use adjectives of quality
..Make requests and give instructions
.. Write descriptions of people.
7.2 Let’s read
You sometimes meet or hear about a person who is very proud of his/her wealth, beauty
or strength. How you wish someone could teach him/her a lesson! Sometimes you wish
is answered, as in this story.
Section I
Once upon a time there lived a king in Central India. He was handsome but very vain.
He looked at himself constantly in mirrors, in pools of water, even in other people’s
eyes when they spoke to him. “I am the most handsome king on Earth.” He said to his courtiers. He spent more time having his hair combed in different styles and his body oiled than in ruling his kingdom. As a result, his people grew poorer and sadder.
2. But the king did not care. “Why!” he boasted one day in court. “I am probably more
handsome than all the gods.”
3. Unfortunately for the king a bad-tempered god happened to be flying by and was
very angry when he heard this.
4. “Something will have to be done about this king.” He searched in his mind for a suitable punishment. At that moment he saw a bull. “Horns!” the god clapped his hands in happiness. “I’ll see how his handsomeness likes himself with horns.”
5. When the king awoke the next morning he followed his normal routine. First he drew his mirror out from under his pillow and gazed into it.
6. Suddenly the guards outside the king’s room heard a loud shriek. They came rushing in to find the king sitting straight in bed with a large pillow on his head.
7. “Out………out ……” he waved a trembling finger at them. As they backed away, he shouted after them, “Send for the royal barber immediately.
8. The royal barber was a talkative little man. He came immediately.
9. “You’re up early today, your Majesty, but why the pil…………”
10. The king broke in, “Stop your talk and come close to my bed.”
11. As the surprised barber drew close, the king said in his most commanding voice, “Barber, I am about to show you something. But if you talk about it to anyone. I will have you beaten and hanged.” The king slowly removed the pillow from his head.
12. “Oh! The barber clapped his hands to his mouth in horror.
13. “Well, don’t just stand there,” said the king impatiently. “Do something to cover them up.”
14. The barber pulled the king’s hair this way and that, and managed to cover the horns partially. The king put on his turban to hide the rest. “Now go and tell the court I am unwell. I will not see anyone.” He sat up and looked angrily at the barber. “And remember my warning.”
7.1 Read, Think and Answer I
1- Point out the line with shows that the king was handsome but vain. The King and The Tamarind Drum
2- Why did his people grow poorer and sadder?
3-A god overheard the king calling himself more handsome than even the gods. How did the god feel and what did he decide to do?
4- What was the king’s punishment?
5- Why did the king send for the royal barber early in the morning?
6- The barber covered his mouth with his hands when he saw the King. Why?
7- What did the king say he would do if the barber talked about it?
7.3 Section II
The king tried to hide his shame from his people. But he could not. So what do you think he did now when from the handsomest man on earth he had become the ugliest man on earth?
1. The barber ran out of the room. As soon as the door of the bedroom closed, he started laughing. The people in the palace stopped him and asked him why he was so happy. But he only shook his head helplessly and ran laughing through the halls.
2. “I’ll die if I don’t tell someone.” He said “My stomach is bursting with the secret.”
3. He saw the Tamarind tree standing in the middle of the royal courtyard. He went up to it and whispered the secret to the trunk of the tree.
4. That night there was a fierce storm and the Tamarind tree was blown down. The king was informed through the door, for he would not see anyone, and he commanded the tree to be given to the royal musician. “Let him make a drum from the trunk of the tamarind tree and play it outside my door.”
5. Soon the drum made of Tamarind wood was ready. The courtiers gathered outside the king’s door and the royal musician began to play. But instead of the ‘thum thum thum’ that everyone expected, the Tamarind drum sang, “The Raja has horns on his head. The Raja has horns on his head.” The courtiers burst out laughing and the king cried with anger.
6. “I won’t stay in the palace a moment longer,” he shouted. “I’ll go to the forest and live by myself.” He tore the turban off his head and ran out of the palace, taking the drum with him.
Answer II 7.2 Read, Think and
1- What was the barber’s secret and why did he tell it to the tamarind tree?
2- What were the king’s orders after the tamarind tree fell in a storm?
3- What did the tamarind drum sing? What was its effect on the courtiers?
4- Why did the king run away to the forest?
7.4 Section III
The king lived in the forest for many years. And gradually be became a different man. He had suffered for his pride but he had also learnt a lesson. Earlier he had loved himself and himself alone. Now he loved the world around him more. Let’s find out  how.
1. The king lived for many years in the forest. He gradually learnt about the beauty of the world around him. He learnt to care for creatures smaller than himself. He grew strong and wise and humble. His only companion was the Tamarind drum. When he beat it, it gave him good advice. He learnt to play it so beautifully that even the spirits of the trees were charmed, and they went to meet the god who had punished him with the horns.
2. “Forgive him.” they begged. “He has changed, Remove his horns and give him back his kingdom.”
3. The god waved his hands and the horns disappeared.
4. That day the king went down to a forest pool to drink water. While cupping his hands he saw his reflection in the water. His lean, suntanned face looked back at him, without any horns! And as he sat up in surprise, several horse-riders rode into the clearing and he saw his courtiers. They knelt before him. “Your Majesty, forgive us and come back, The kingdom needs you.”
5. The king went back to his kingdom. He kept his Tamarind drum beside his always and he ruled wisely. And yes, the barber kept his head, but lost his job!
7.3 Read, Think and Answer III
1- Was the king completely alone in the forest?
2- How did the king use his drum in the forest?
3- Would you describe his stay in the forest as
(a) His punishment for his pride?
(b) His education?
(c) One unhappy period of his life?
4- The king was a changed man after a long stay in the forest. List three changes in his character.
5-Why did the king keep the tamarind drum with him always even after his return to the palace?
7.5 Overall Questions
1. A folk tale is a popular story from the past whose author is not known. There are many things in a folk tale which you do not find in real life. List such things from the story.
Example: a bad-tempered god who overhears the king talking to himself.
2. The following statements tell you what the king was before his punishment for pride and what he became after he ran away to the forest. Put the right statements in the right column:
(a) loves only himself
(b) learns to love other creatures.
(c) Is now kind and humble.
(d) Boasts he is more handsome than even the gods.
(e) Becomes a loving king and rules his people wisely.
(f) Does not care about the welfare of his people. The King and The Tamarind Drum
A. In the beginning the king
B. After he runs away to the forest
he is a different man. He
7.6 Let’s Learn Grammar
Learning to use adjectives of quality
The first paragraph in the story describes the king in the words of the story-teller and
in the words of the king himself:
“He was handsome but very vain.”
And later in the forest
“He grew strong and wise and humble.”
“When he beat it [the drum], it gave him good advice.”
“Handsome”, vain”, “strong”, “wise”, Humble” and “good” are all adjective.
A word that gives you more information about a noun or pronoun is called an adjective. “He was handsome but very vain”, “Handsome”, and “vain” tell you about the character of the king.
Exercise I
1. Rewrite five sentences from the story which have adjectives.
Adjectives are generally used before a noun or after a verb:
eg - He was a handsome king. -The king was very handsome
But some adjectives are used only after the verb: eg - She felt afraid in the dark. - I wanted to be alone.
2. Fill in the blanks with the words given below:
Bitter, warm, black, strong, hot, long, hard, difficult, delicate, long.
Coffee has a —————— taste, and people usually drink it with sugar or milk. Some people like their coffee ———————. In Italy they drink very ————— black coffee. Some people drink their coffee with ————— milk. Coffee comes from coffee beans, and these beans grow on trees. Coffee trees need sunshine and water, so they grow well in ————— countries. Coffee tree are very —————— and ————— to grow, and picking the beans is a —————— process. The workers have a ————— job because they pick the beans by hand. This can take a ———— time.
Exercise II
Fill in the blanks with adjectives from the list given below:
Glad, alive, asleep , ill, sure
1. I am …… to be here with my friends.
2. She became ……….. after eating that food.
3. I am ……….. he will help us.
4. The car had hit him with full force. It’s a miracle that he is still…………….
5. It’s 11 O’clock. Father must be …………… by now.
More about adjectives
We have talked about simple word adjective. Adjectives are also formed by adding – ly, -ful, -y etc. to nouns:
eg :- With – “ly” – friend .. friendly,
Other examples: lovely, worldly, neighbourly, timely, daily (day ..daily)
 eg - With – “ful”Wonder– wonderful
Other examples - beautiful, thankful, graceful, sorrowful.
eg - With –y Anger – angry
Hunger – hungry

Exercise III
Fill in the blanks with adjectives given below:
comfortable, careful, hungry, thankful, golden, powerful, dangerous, graceful.
1. He was so …………. that he ate up everything.
2. Be very…….. It should not break.
3. You will feel very ………. in this place.
4. A tiger is a ……….. animal.
5. A ……….. sunlight filled the room.
6. Bharatnatyam is a …………. dance.
7. I am so …………. to you for your help.
8. It is ……………. to cross the railway line when the train is in sight.
7.7 Let’s Talk
Making requests, giving instructions and orders
Look at the following sentences:
 (i) The king shouted, “Stop your talk and come close to the bed.”
(ii) “Please, forgive him,” said the animals to the god, “remove his horns and give his back his kingdom.”
(iii) “Begin writing from the next page and write on both sides of the paper.” All these sentences ask someone to do something. The first is an order from the king to his barber; the second is a request from the animals in the forest to the god; the third is an instruction from an examiner to the candidate taking examination.
Here are more examples:
Take the glass away.
Please, sit down;
Keep the bottle in a cool, dry place.
Please keep quiet.
You can form negatives of such sentences by putting ‘Do no’ or ‘Don’t’ or ‘Never’ in front of the verb:
Do not keep the bottle near open fire.
Please, don’t sit on the grass.
Never open the door to strangers.
Exercise I
Given below are a set of directions on the use of a cough syrup. Fill in the blanks in these directions using the verbs given in the list here. Use ‘Do not’ or ‘don’t’ wherever necessary:
Pour, Shake, Keep, replace, Mix, Use, Give
1. ……………. bottle well before use.
2. ……………. the mixture in a tea spoon.
3. …………….. it in a glass of water and ………. it immediately.
4. ……………. cap after use.
5. …………….. the bottle in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
6. …………….. the mixture after the expiry date given on the bottle.
7. …………….. it to children below 6 years.
Exercise II
Use the verbs given below to fill in the blanks in the sentences that follow. Add ‘Do not’, ‘Don’t’ and ‘Never’ wherever necessary.
Switch on, swim, promise, drink, pluck, use, tear, lend, make, stop
1. ……………….. that you will never leave me.
2. ……………….. only blue ink in the examination.
3. ……………….. dirty water. It can make you sick.
4. ……………….. the mangoes yet. They are not ripe.
5. Please ……………….. on the light. It’s dark now.
6. ……………….. in this river. It has crocodiles.
7. ……………….. writing. Time is over.
8. Please ….................. me a hundred rupees. I will return them next month.
9.……………….. any pages from the book.
10. ……………….. noise here. This is a library.
Role Play
Now that you have read about the king giving orders and instructions, practice then through a dialogue. Imagine you and your friend have just entered an examination hall and you have to give instructions to your friend about the rules to be observed there. He/she can ask you questions to clarify what you have said. You can use some of these expressions.
1) Don’t bring in any papers or books into the hall.
2) Write legibly
3) Read through your answers carefully.
4) Be silent.
5) Don’t talk to you neighbour.
6) Write you roll number clearly.
7) Don’t write you name on the answer book.
Your friend can use the following clues
• Can I …..………………..
• Should I ………………..
• When can I leave ………………..
• What if ………………..
Remember that in a dialogue we use many words and phrases which are used in conversation only. We generally don’t use them in a description. Also we sometimes use incomplete sentences especially in our replies.
7.8 Let’s Write
Describing People
We sometimes want to say something about some particular people-their good qualities and bad qualities, their habits, their achievements and failures etc. They could be important people or ordinary people. They could also be people from the past. Take the story you have just studied. How would you describe the king in ‘The Tamarind Drum’? In the beginning he is a handsome young man. He loves no one but himself. He is very proud of his looks. He is a bad king. In the second part of the story he is a very different man. He is humble and caring. He loves others as others love him. Before you write a description of a person, you need to collect important information about that person.
Now look at the following points about a vegetable vendor
• Raju – a vegetable seller in Delhi
• Age- 30 years
• Comes from – a small village in Tamil Nadu – lives in a one room house in a slum.
• Everyday life- goes to main vegetable market buys vegetables and fruits – sells from cart in different localities in the morning – then in different weekly markets.
• Income- Rs 200 to 400 per day.
• Family- old parents, wife, two children in village, sends money to them regularly.
• Habits – watches TV in evening, reads books
• Ambition- to send children to good schools, build a house in his village, have a shop in Delhi.
Now write a brief description of Raju, the vegetable vendor.
7.9 Check Your Answers
Read, Think and Answers I
(1) “I am the most handsome king on Earth”
(2) he spent more time on himself than on ruling his kingdom.
(3) god was angry and cursed him.
(4) He had horns on his head.
(5) to hide his horns.
(6) He was horrified to see horns on the King’s head.
(7) He will be beaten up and hanged if he told the people about his horns.
Read, Think and Answers II
(1) He knew about the King’s horns.
(2) His stomach was bursting with the secret.
(3) See Para 5: “The Raja has horns ……… with anger.”
(4) His secret was out. The king felt humiliated because the people were laughing.
Read, Think and Answers III
(1) No. There were many animals living there.
(2) See Para 1: “He learnt to play ……… with the horns” and for advice.
(3) (b)
(4) He learnt that the world around him was beautiful new for smaller creatures and became humble.
(5) The drum had always been his good friend. It had gave him good advice.
Overall Questions
(a) horns grow on a human being’s head.
(b) the tamarind tree can hear.
(c) the drum can sing and later give advice.
(d) The trees have spirits which can talk.
A: a, d, f
B: b, c, e
Increase Your Word Power
Exercise I: Para 1: He was handsome but very vain; Para 3: a bad-tempered god
happened………..; para 6: Suddenly the guards …….. loud shriek; Para 8: The royal
barber ……..talkative little man; Para 15: The people in the palace ……. So happy.
2. bitter, black, strong, warm, hot, delicate, hard, long, difficult, long.
Exercise II: 1. Glad, 2. Ill, 3. Sure, 4. Alive, 5. Asleep
Exercise III: 1. Hungry, 2. Careful, 3. Comfortable, 4. Powerful, 5. Golden, 6. Graceful,
7. Thankful, 8. Dangerous.
Let’s Talk
Exercise I
1. Shake, 2. Pour, 3. Mix, 4. Replace, 5. Keep, 6. Don’t use, 7. Don’t give.
Exercise II
1. Promise, 2. Use, 3. Never drink, 4. Don’t pluck, 5. Switch on,
6. Don’t swim, 7. Stop, 8. Lend, 9. Don’t tear, 10. Don’t make

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